We envision a New Mexico where homelessness is rare, short-lived and nonrecurring.

More than 2,500 people are no longer living on the streets due to Heading Home’s housing-first, collective impact approach.

Thank you for your support and for joining us in this mission!

Clients served through all Heading Home initiatives

“For every dollar spent on the program, there’s a cost savings return of about $1.78….Anyone investing would be thrilled with a return like that.”

-Paul Guerin, Sr. Research Scientist at UNM’s Social Research Institute

Clients and family members housed in Fiscal 2016 through all Heading Home initiatives

“In total, Albuquerque Heading Home has saved taxpayers more than $5 million….It’s the smart way to do the right thing.”

-City of Albuquerque Mayor, Richard Berry

Individuals and family members housed through the Albuquerque Opportunity Center (AOC) in Fiscal 2016

“The staff are very friendly and try to address your needs as they arise – giving of meds, providing of volunteer services by med students, and giving of haircuts.”

-AOC resident

Individuals and family members housed through Albuquerque Heading Home (AHH) in Fiscal 2016

“I learned to let people come and take part in my life and that they were always there for me. I felt I was no longer alone.”

-AHH client

Individuals and family members housed through the Keeping Families Together (KFT) program

“Over the past five years, since ABQ Heading Home came about, everyone is now seen as a partner, not as a competitor for funding. When we all work together… it’s to our clients’ benefit.”

-Lance Hemmington, Program Manager at Heading Home’s partner agency, St. Martin’s Hospitality Center.

Children housed through all Heading Home initiatives

“It’s amazing to see the transformation from a small group of people brainstorming, to a full-fledged successful initiative with dozens of partners.”

-Doug Chaplin, Dir. of Family & Community Services Dept., City of Albuquerque

Number of unduplicated men served at the AOC overnight shelter

“Thanks to the AOC, I’ve been able to find employment and plan for the future in a safe and warm environment. Thank you AOC!”

-Former AOC resident

Number of bed nights provided at the AOC overnight shelter

“Provides a safe environment to recover from a hospital stay.”

-Former AOC resident

Number of Home Team volunteer hours in calendar year 2016. (13% increase from 2015)

“We have a client who was diagnosed with cancer. Two of her Home Team volunteers took turns taking her to chemo appointments and helped her get groceries. We’re excited to announce she was just declared cancer free!”

-Kristy Anderson, Program Manager – Home Teams

Millions of dollars in taxpayer savings according to a cost study of AHH by UNM's Institute for Social Research


Decrease in substaniated cases of neglect or abuse within the KFT program


Annual housing retention rate within Albuquerque Heading Home


Heading Home clients suffer from a behavioral health issue






















Keeping Families Together


Albuquerque Heading Home


Albuquerque Opportunity Center


Respite Care Program


Veterans Heading Home

Our Board