Heading Home recently hosted the philanthropic supporters of our mission at ‘A Journey Home,’ our annual celebration dinner. The night was an astounding success! The event raised over $77,000 to support our emergency and permanent supportive housing programs for those experiencing homelessness in our community.
One of the highlights of the evening was the ‘Experience Room,’ where attendees got to interact with Heading Home staff and learn about three aspects of our housing approach: emergency housing (our two shelter operations), permanent housing (prioritized housing assistance and case management services for individuals and families), and street outreach (prioritized engagement with the highest utilizers of costly emergency services).
Guests also participated in a raffle for an assortment of amazing packages donated by local businesses and a live auction for a Chevy Impala! The dinner featured a program that acknowledged event sponsors, our service partners and key funders like the City of Albuquerque and the Department of Family and Community Services. Heading Home and artist Travis Bruce Black unveiled a memorial art exhibit representing those who have passed away after receiving housing through our services. Guests also viewed a heartfelt video featuring a client and his family who have overcome substantial hardships and are now thriving and giving back to the community.
Thank you to donors, staff and volunteers who came out to celebrate and invest in our work! To view the complete event photo album, click here.