Heading Home was proud to be part of a legislative advocacy campaign, led by New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness, which saw increased funds for permanent supportive housing. According to Hank Hughes, the coalition’s Executive Director:

The Senate Finance Committee added $100,000 for permanent supportive housing for homeless or near homeless people with behavioral health disabilities. This is for the Linkages Program, and was one of our priorities. They added this to the budget at the last minute. …


The Legislature put this in as non-recurring money, which means we need to make it recurring next year and also we need to keep working to put enough money into Linkages so that it can meet the real need.

Heading Home staff joined the coalition and a number of community service partners in January to talk with representatives during the legislative session about the vital importance of permanent supportive housing in New Mexico.

Thank you to the New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness for their ongoing work on the legislative front, to the service partners that talked with numerous representatives, and to our elected officials for listening and acting on such a critical need for our most vulnerable community members.