A Home Teams Farewell

A Home Teams Farewell

Kristy Anderson, one of Heading Home’s most dedicated employees, retired in October. Kristy worked directly with clients and volunteers as Home Teams Program Manager within the Albuquerque Heading Home initiative. Home Teams are groups of volunteers that help to...
Pizza and Haircuts at AOC!

Pizza and Haircuts at AOC!

AOC residents were treated to pizza and haircuts this week thanks to some wonderful organizations and volunteers. Christ Church ABQ brought pizza for all 100 residents, and stylists from two fantastic Albuquerque salons provided 22 haircuts – Lavish Hair Lounge and...
Walgreens Campaign a Success!

Walgreens Campaign a Success!

In September, Heading Home was chosen as a beneficiary for the Walgreens Charitable Donation Program at over 50 locations in Albuquerque and North Central New Mexico. Customers were given the opportunity to add a donation to Heading Home at each register. We’re happy...
New Heading Home Program Engages Highest Utilizers

New Heading Home Program Engages Highest Utilizers

Heading Home’s newest program, ABQ StreetConnect, is targeting people experiencing homelessness throughout Albuquerque who are the highest utilizers of emergency services. In collaboration with hospitals and emergency responders, the program is creating a client...
Welcome to Our New YAV

Welcome to Our New YAV

Heading Home welcomes Kim North as our new Young Adult Volunteer (YAV)! YAVs spend a year with local organizations “working to address root causes of poverty and reconciliation… in intentional community with peers and mentors.” Kim is a senior at the University...