In the News: UnitedHealthcare Partners with Heading Home

In the News: UnitedHealthcare Partners with Heading Home

UnitedHealthcare is teaming up with Heading Home’s Respite Care Program in an effort to provide its members who are experiencing homelessness a safe place to recover after their medical stays.  UnitedHealthcare’s Chief Medical Officer and Heading Home...
In the News: Heading Home’s Response to Downtown Safety

In the News: Heading Home’s Response to Downtown Safety

With the recent dialogue regarding downtown safety, Heading Home’s Board Chair, Robin Dozier Otten, and CEO, Dennis Plummer, penned an op-ed to give much-needed nuance to issues of homelessness and ways AHH is stepping up to lend a hand. “Downtown safety...
AOC Has a New Roof!

AOC Has a New Roof!

Thanks to First Mortgage Company in Albuquerque, AOC received a new roof! AOC had been dealing with leaks for a couple of years when First Mortgage stepped up with a $46,000 donation for our residents! The company truly lives up to its tagline: “It’s not...
Making Change Through Music

Making Change Through Music

A Concert to Benefit Albuquerque Heading Home Date: Sunday, August 27, 2017 Location: Albuquerque Museum Amphitheater (2000 Mountain Rd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104) Time: 2:00-6:00pm  Featuring:   Baracutanga Felix y Los Gatos Joanie Cere Update To see images from...
Life-Saving Program, Also Saves Your Tax Dollars

Life-Saving Program, Also Saves Your Tax Dollars

Homelessness is a tough social issue that plagues people in cities across the country, but in Albuquerque a recent study done by the University of New Mexico’s Social Research Institute revealed the city has a solution that isn’t just humane, it’s also saving money....