Heading Home’s inaugural year running the ABQ Winter Shelter was a huge success. Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller and his staff praised the operation on a tour of the facility in February and have expressed support in partnering to bring the facility in town and consider year-round service. Some highlights of this past season:
- Heading Home performed consistent and accurate Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) entries for shelter residents throughout the season. We were able to submit accurate ABQ Winter Shelter data to the Point In Time survey, which had not been done previously. Accurate HMIS entries mean we have a count of individuals that stayed in the shelter, how long they stayed, and a count of unduplicated services. It also means that our service partners can access that information and use it to track their clients and provide supportive services in an informed manner.
- 8 families transitioned into stable housing this season.
- Feedback forms from shelter residents highlighted that generally people felt both safe and welcome in the facility. Many residents in past years have only come to the ABQ Winter Shelter on the coldest winter nights. This year, many of those residents stayed with us through the season.
- New Mexico Girl Scouts troop 47 were awarded the volunteer group of the year by Mayor Tim Keller for their work at the shelter!
Above are photos of ABQ Winter Shelter facility and staff, Mayor Tim Keller’s tour and a post-season staff BBQ.