Over the past ten years, Heading Home has cultivated relationships with hundreds of landlords. These landlords help our Albuquerque Heading Home team ensure our program participants remain housed. Our Housing Director, Dorothee Otero, focuses on finding landlords with small or medium-sized properties. The landlords we use for our clients tend to be more open to someone with prior evictions or even a criminal record whereas larger property management firms must adhere to very strict screening policies.
When starting a new relationship with a landlord the Albuquerque Heading Home team provides the landlord with an informational packet detailing our programs and what to expect when working with our clients. The landlords understand our clients may have special needs and because they receive regular home visits and case management, landlords know the Albuquerque Heading Home case managers can and will respond to any concerns they might have with a client.
Heading Home advocates for both, our clients and landlords, to ensure the landlord/tenant relationship is mutually beneficial. For example, as our clients learn how to become good tenants, our landlords learn about mental or behavioral health challenges and/or substance use. Heading Home is committed to a Housing First best practices model which allows people experiencing homelessness to be housed without prerequisites or conditions.
If you or someone you know is a landlord who is interested in working with us, please contact our Hosing Director Dorothee Otero at DorotheeO@HeadingHome.org!