Heading Home is partnering with the Harwood Art Center, a non-profit creative center for community and the arts, to provide newly-housed clients original artwork their homes.
At the Harwood’s annual 12×12 installation, unsold works are eligible for donation to people who have experienced homelessness in Albuquerque. In early 2018, Harwood will be setting up an art gallery in the Heading Home offices. When a client within the Albuquerque Heading Home program is matched with a home, they can choose a unique, hand-made artwork from the gallery to decorate their walls! Harwood believes everyone should have access to beautiful art, and we agree! This partnership allows Heading Home clients to benefit from Harwood’s, and the artist’s, generosity and experience art within their new living environment.
We are so excited these works now have the potential to brighten the lives of our clients.
Thank you Harwood Art Center!