Individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Albuquerque now have another much-needed option for getting out of the cold overnight. The City of Albuquerque and Heading Home agreed to open the Westside Emergency Housing Center (formerly the Winter Shelter) three days early this season due to cold weather. The announcement was made at a press conference on Monday, November 12th by Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller and Heading Home CEO Dennis Plummer.
Heading Home will provide nightly bus transportation out to the Westside from Coronado Park at 5 PM, 6PM and 7 PM. with routes back to town starting at 6:10 AM. A phone line at the shelter will dispatch an emergency van based on calls received by emergency responders and individuals in need.
Heading Home and the City of Albuquerque are currently strategizing on how to maximize this valuable community resource and extend its seasonal capacity into a year-round operation with many more integrated services. The Center serves men, women and children with a capacity of 400 beds.
For more about the shelter opening, please read the article in The Albuquerque Journal and the spot that ran on KUNM.
For detailed information about pick-up times, contact numbers and to download an informational flyer, please see our program page for the Westside Emergency Housing Center.