Seasonal Gratitude: Happy Holidays from Heading Home!

Seasonal Gratitude: Happy Holidays from Heading Home!

There are many things that each of us can take for granted.  Sometimes when we think about these things through a lens of gratefulness – real, genuine gratitude – we are often filled with an overwhelming feeling.  A feeling of humbleness.  That is how we felt reading...
Thank You for Joining Us for A Journey Home 2019!

Thank You for Joining Us for A Journey Home 2019!

Thank you for attending Heading Home’s 2019 Annual Celebration on Thursday, November 21! These beautiful photos were captured by Lydia Phillips, owner of Mintwood Photo Co. If you have a few moments, please click here to complete a brief survey about your...

Anchored in Hope: Kristi’s Story

This holiday season, we are happy to share that 2019 was a successful year for so many of our clients and families. One story of success — which was made possible through your support — is riddled with adversity, misfortune, perseverance and hope. This is Kristi’s...
ABQ FaithWorks: Created to Collaborate

ABQ FaithWorks: Created to Collaborate

“Generally, churches aren’t very collaborative,” said Valerie Griego, the Social Services Coordinator for a new collaborative called ABQ FaithWorks. “ABQ FaithWorks was created TO collaborate.” Churches in the Nob Hill area began to notice a lot of foot traffic from...
Sandia National Laboratories Volunteers Revitalize WEHC

Sandia National Laboratories Volunteers Revitalize WEHC

On November 9, Heading Home welcomed a group of families and individuals from Sandia National Laboratories at the Westside Emergency Housing Center for a day of volunteerism. Sandia National Laboratories has been a strong supporter of Heading Home since 2012. This...
Announcing 5th Annual Holiday of Hope Donation Drive

Announcing 5th Annual Holiday of Hope Donation Drive

Each year Heading Home serves over 800 people each month during the winter months. We are excited to offer opportunities for our generous donors and partners to help restore hope for the families we serve through our fifth annual donation drive, Holiday of Hope! There...